How Many Handicaps? – July 18, 2007

I don’t play golf, but there’s something called a handicap in golf.

Skilled golfers have a single-digit handicap, and professionals play with a handicap of 0.

Beginners, on the other hand, receive a high handicap to play.

So, experts and beginners play on the same course.

In golf, it’s important to decide how many handicaps you’ll have before playing, as there are rules for determining handicaps.

I feel that this also applies to our “journey of the soul.”

Before we are born into this world, we are aware of how much debt (karma) we have accumulated in past lives that needs to be repaid.

While repaying that debt, we contemplate how much we can improve ourselves.

If we feel that we are becoming exhausted from repaying our debt and may end up accumulating more, we may choose to pass on the opportunity to be born.

The spirit world is in a fixed state reflecting our past actions in previous lives, so if we want to change our circumstances in the spirit world, we have no choice but to come to the physical world and nurture our souls.

If we accumulate too much debt, we may choose to be born with various challenges, such as a difficult physical condition, illness, or family environment, in order to make substantial repayments.

However, as soon as we are born, those memories are erased.

This is because if we were born with the memories of our debts, our life would become more like a “digestive game,” and the shocks necessary for our soul to grow would not occur.

We are confronted with how we should live with an uncertain heart, not knowing what tomorrow may bring.

When we are born into this world, individuals with significant positive handicaps and those burdened with significant negative handicaps coexist in the same space, so we may find ourselves constantly looking around.

The purpose of life is not to become financially successful because we will all die alone, naked.

The most important thing is how each person can nurture and grow their inherent deity.

Relying on gods and expecting protection from ancestral spirits are meaningless, because gods are like babies—they need to be nurtured. Babies become strong when they grow up.

Thank you for keeping me alive.

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