About My Responses to Questions – July 23, 2007


I’ve been ignored a few times in the comments, and I’ve been thinking deeply about why that might be.

I observed a lot of emotional movements within myself, such as feeling down, wondering if there’s something bad lurking behind, and trying to be defiant.


I did not respond to the comment because this person does not have a spiritual problem.

However, you might think, does the person who got a response have some spiritual problem?

The reasons why I do not respond to questions in the comments include:

  • Especially on weekdays, there are time constraints, so I prioritize responding to comments that are useful to others.
  • There are no spiritual problems in the consultation content, and it can be improved with efforts in this world.
  • If you read past articles, you will understand.
  • The content is serious and important, so it cannot be easily responded to in a comment.

However, I read all the comments on this blog and see them spiritually.

Many people who consult about their worries, at a subconscious level, hope that the cause is due to something spiritual.

They hope that removing the spirit responsible for the problem will result in a dramatic improvement.

When told “It’s not a spiritual problem,” it seems they become resigned, thinking, “I have to change the status quo in a steady manner.”

The consultation content, which they think is a spiritual problem, may not actually be a spiritual problem in up to maybe 20% of cases.

Even for that 20% of problems, if you correctly practice “gratitude to gods and recollection of the current situation” and ancestor worship, which has been consistently explained in this blog, changing various expressions, you can improve it yourself.

Also, you can cope with the solar spiritual light that will occur in the future.

I do not write just beautiful words. All articles are based on performing spiritual practices.

I am convinced that ordinary, common words of gratitude are the strongest, not specialized things like sutras.

I received that through the breath from the fundamental god.

Changing oneself is rare and difficult. However, you can definitely change.

Thank you for keeping me alive.

To Visit a Shrine is To Worship Your Inherent God – July 22, 2007

The shrine I have been visiting in recent years is Ise Jingu.

Also, I feel that Mt. Hakusan itself is a shrine, so I worship the whole of Hakusan from afar.

In the past, I visited various shrines, mainly in the Kinki region, as if I was being called to them.

At shrines, there are ones where spirits frequently visit and others where they are distant.

Spirits are energy bodies that move freely.

Even when saying “a shrine where the spirit is distant,” it does not mean that there is no god.

When people who are willing to offer gratitude to the gods visit the shrine, they can have spirits come to them.

We all harbor a living inherent god within us.

To visit a shrine means that the spirit dwelling in living humans goes to meet the spirit of the shrine, which does not have a physical form.

The place where gods meet each other is the shrine.

In shrines, mirrors are worshipped as sacred objects, which implies reflecting the inherent god of the worshipper.

In Shinto, there has been a practice called “self-spirit worship” since ancient times, which involves worshipping oneself reflected in a mirror.

The shrine is a place where the god dwelling within oneself is reflected in a mirror, and worship is directed towards it.

The shrine provides a place where you meet your inherent god.

In other words, it’s not so much the shrine being worshipped as it is the person worshipping that is important.

Of course, if the place (the shrine) is sacred, it becomes easier to meet the inherent god.

Everyone’s inherent god is a partial spirit of the root god and holds the factors of all spirits.

Each shrine will have different manifestations of the inherent god that corresponds when you visit.

For example, in my case, when I visit Izawanomiya, I feel Amaterasu Omikami within me, and when I visit the Omiwa Shrine in Nara, I feel the dragon of the divine messenger family lurking within me.

Although there are many shrines nationwide, the way your inherent god appears will differ at each shrine.

The important thing is that god is inside all of you, not in the shrine.

The shrine provides a place to meet your god.

Did you understand the incorrect attitudes and positions when making wishes at the shrine, and this (new?) way of thinking?

Thank you for keeping me alive.

Religions will be Gone – July 21, 2007

“God’s Realm” is a single term, but in reality, it consists of numerous hierarchies.

Around 200 years ago, a decision was made in the upper echelons of the divine realm.

The decision was to eliminate the spiritual beings that acted as intermediaries between gods and humans for thousands of years, making the present world return to an ancient state where the Root God and humanity could directly resonate.

The lower-ranking beings in the divine realm who heard about this decision, entities with specific forms, had mixed emotions.

This was because, for thousands of years, they had been worshipped as “gods” by humans while serving as intermediaries between the divine realm and the realm of reality.

In the higher echelons of the divine realm, it was thought that “eliminating intermediaries to the realm of reality abruptly would lead to chaos.” Instead, they dispatched higher-ranking beings from the divine realm to awaken human awareness of being the divine pillar that houses a part of the Root God.

As a result, the “Golden Dragon God,” a servant of Amaterasu Omikami, propagated Konkokyo and Kurozumikyo in Japan. The “Black Dragon God,” a servant of Kunitachi-o-mikami, propagated Tenrikyo and Omoto-kyo.

However, over time, these religions transformed from helping humans become aware of their inner gods to worshipping the founders of these religions, who received assistance from the spirit world.

During an era when the influence of the spirit world was strong, perhaps it was unavoidable.

In particular, one splinter group that originated from Omoto-kyo led people away from the direction of awakening to their inner gods, resulting in misfortune.

The spiritual beings belonging to the lower echelons of the divine realm behind these religious groups no longer resembled dragons. With each evil deed, they lost their scales, horns, and limbs, gradually taking on the form of snakes.

Currently, with the dissolution of the spirit world, these lower-level entities are fading away, making it easier for individuals to become aware of the gods within themselves.

In other words, ultimately, religions will disappear.

We are in an era where religions that place false gods outside of humanity and require faith are fading away.

Thank you for keeping me alive.

The Rivet Between Heaven and Earth – July 20, 2007


Heaven, humans, and the Earth, everything is similar in form, and just as we harbor an inner god, does the Earth also harbor an inner god?

The inner god of the Earth is the splitting spirit of the root god, the Okuninushi no Mikoto, and the Earth was born because it was able to harbor this inner god.

The inner god of the Earth, Okuninushi no Mikoto, rests in the land of Japan.

Is it correct to understand that Okuninushi no Mikoto is now trying to awaken through the sunlight of Amaterasu Omikami, who is the inner god?


You’ve had a great insight. Your sense is correct.

Reading this question reminded me of something.

When I was in high school, the United States was conducting underground nuclear tests repeatedly.

The news in Japan would report on it the day after the tests.

However, I knew immediately when the tests were being conducted.

For some reason, my chest would “cry.” I felt a peculiar sense of sadness.

At first, I wondered why my chest was grieving. I was sad even though there was no apparent reason.

When I heard about the nuclear tests in the news, my chest would suddenly tighten with the same feeling of sadness, and I realized, “Ah, this is the cause.”

Since then, I experienced many occasions where I felt this same sadness in my chest the day before hearing about the news of the U.S. conducting nuclear tests.

I think the scientists of that time had a much more significant negative impact on the deep core of the Earth than they had imagined.

Humans stand between the Earth and the Sun. We stand like pillars.

It can also be said that humans are born from the two parents of Earth spirits and Sun spirits.

In Japan, there’s an old saying: “A child is the rivet.”

A child holds together parents with opposing natures.

The number of humans has decreased who can play the role of being the “pillar” that can connect Earth spirits and Sun spirits.

When the divine pillar decreases, the rivet comes undone, and both parents start to move apart.

We must brace ourselves here and establish a new divine pillar and drive in the rivet to hold both parents together.

Anyone can become a divine pillar instantly.

All you need to do is realize that you are being kept alive and express your gratitude.

Thank you for keeping me alive.

About My Responses to Comments – July 19, 2007


I have a request. Would it be possible to respond to the questions and doubts of all the people who write comments, not just a select few?


I receive many personal consultations via email.

There was a time when I used to respond to personal consultations, but ultimately, I realized that it was diminishing the desire for self-improvement, making people dependent, so I stopped directly accepting consultations about 20 years ago.

Currently, with the contraction of the spirit world, we have entered an era where all problems can be resolved with a sense of gratitude, and it has become a spiritually challenging time for dependent individuals.

However, humans are weak.

I won’t respond to personal emails, but regarding questions asked in public forums, I will do my best to respond as much as possible (although I’m not actively seeking questions). I believe it might be useful as a reference for other readers.

I have worked in sales for many years.

Since childhood, I have experienced interference from the spiritual world and immersed myself in spiritual seeking until I started my job at the age of 23.

During that time, I had various encounters and experiences, and even now, I believe the content of those experiences was quite profound.

However, I have never belonged to any religious organizations or groups.

All my experiences were brought to me by spiritual entities from behind the scenes.

At the time, I received offers to be the leader of two Shinto-based religious organizations but declined them.

I completed my spiritual training at the age of 23, and at the end, I was shown a vision related to the future of humanity, marking the end of my training.

After starting my job, I focused solely on my resonance with my inner god within the reality of society.

This year, a certain thought suddenly welled up within me, and I began posting on a blog on the internet.

After returning from work and having dinner, I write articles.

Due to other miscellaneous tasks, I have limited time to write articles.

I read through comments on the articles and prioritize responding to those that have spiritual resonance or questions that seem like they could be useful to many people.

Among the comments, some people write without knowing it, influenced by impressions from the divine realm.

When I resonate with such comments, I feel invigorated, so I prioritize responding to them.

However, for questions related to specific events or criminal cases, if there’s a stop sign from the divine spirits behind me, I won’t comment.

I consider this blog as part of my “Gurdjieff Work” on the self and as evidence of my own life, so for those comments that I have received spiritual resonance with, I do want to respond as much as possible.

Even if there’s no response, if you have a question that you really want to ask, please let me know how many times you’ve asked. The response may be harsh, though.

The Secret to Moving Gods – July 18, 2007


I enshrine amulets from Ise Shrine, Shiogama Shrine, Sumiyoshi Taisha, Kumano Taisha, Atsuta Shrine, Iwashimizu Shrine, Hikawa Shrine, Kashima Shrine, Taka Shrine, Tenkawa Shrine, and Ohsaki Hachimangu Shrine in my home.

I’ve placed the amulets of deities from Eastern Japan on the left side of the household altar and those from Western Japan on the right side, and I worship them.

I’ve heard that it’s not good to enshrine more than five amulets on your own. Is this problematic?

I have a serious illness that could be fatal, and things are not going well for me.

Japanese deities are generous, so I believe they will protect me as long as I am not disrespectful. What do you think?

Is it not advisable to visit multiple shrines?

Should I choose one or two shrines for worship instead?


With too many amulets, they can potentially counteract each other’s effectiveness, so I don’t feel any spiritual line (spiritual connection between the shrine and your home).

You may have collected them with the sincere desire to recover from your illness.

First and foremost, the deities and spirits near your home are the most important.

It would be advisable to enshrine an amulet from a shrine close to your home and one from the most prestigious shrine in your region. Offer your gratitude for “being alive” every day.

Gods are all-powerful.

Making specific requests or wishes to them may indicate a lack of faith in the gods. You don’t need to request every little thing from them because the gods are all-knowing.

The gods remain silent, intentionally, as they consider the flow of karma from your past lives and the growth of your soul.

The only secret to moving the one true god is to offer gratitude for being kept alive.

You cannot predict whether something good will happen, but it will likely act in the direction that is best for your soul. Since it’s something beyond human imagination, you probably won’t have any idea.

Health is significantly influenced by performing ancestral rites and offerings.

Thank you for keeping me alive.

How Many Handicaps? – July 18, 2007

I don’t play golf, but there’s something called a handicap in golf.

Skilled golfers have a single-digit handicap, and professionals play with a handicap of 0.

Beginners, on the other hand, receive a high handicap to play.

So, experts and beginners play on the same course.

In golf, it’s important to decide how many handicaps you’ll have before playing, as there are rules for determining handicaps.

I feel that this also applies to our “journey of the soul.”

Before we are born into this world, we are aware of how much debt (karma) we have accumulated in past lives that needs to be repaid.

While repaying that debt, we contemplate how much we can improve ourselves.

If we feel that we are becoming exhausted from repaying our debt and may end up accumulating more, we may choose to pass on the opportunity to be born.

The spirit world is in a fixed state reflecting our past actions in previous lives, so if we want to change our circumstances in the spirit world, we have no choice but to come to the physical world and nurture our souls.

If we accumulate too much debt, we may choose to be born with various challenges, such as a difficult physical condition, illness, or family environment, in order to make substantial repayments.

However, as soon as we are born, those memories are erased.

This is because if we were born with the memories of our debts, our life would become more like a “digestive game,” and the shocks necessary for our soul to grow would not occur.

We are confronted with how we should live with an uncertain heart, not knowing what tomorrow may bring.

When we are born into this world, individuals with significant positive handicaps and those burdened with significant negative handicaps coexist in the same space, so we may find ourselves constantly looking around.

The purpose of life is not to become financially successful because we will all die alone, naked.

The most important thing is how each person can nurture and grow their inherent deity.

Relying on gods and expecting protection from ancestral spirits are meaningless, because gods are like babies—they need to be nurtured. Babies become strong when they grow up.

Thank you for keeping me alive.

A Mysterious Person in the Showa Era PART3 – July 17, 2007

After listening to T-san’s request, I was shown a photo of Mr. S.

In the photo, there was a small, elderly man dressed in a suit, with a lively and energetic appearance.

At that moment, I perceived a spiritual entity that had come from Southeast Asia. It was a spirit residing in the intermediate realm between the spiritual world and the physical world. Being closer to the physical world, these spirits have the ability to manifest powerful and mysterious phenomena.

One phenomenon that T-san came to believe in him involved a woman whose skin appeared to have a stone-like lump beneath it. This lump, roughly the size of a thumb, was seen moving beneath her skin in front of everyone. When touched, it indeed felt like a stone. However, when Mr. S stroked the skin above it, the lump disappeared.

T-san strongly urged me to meet with Mr. S, but I hesitated because I felt a very active and restless spiritual presence emanating from his photo. So, I left the decision to meet or not in the hands of the household shrine’s god.

The divine message that came down was “Go and meet him,” so I decided to meet Mr. S.

A few days later, we met at a restaurant in Kobe around noon.

Present at the meeting were Mr. S, T-san, the representative of Mr. S’s support group, Mr. A, myself, and my mother, who was a friend of T-san’s.

After exchanging greetings and taking our seats across the table from each other, Mr. S suddenly collapsed on the table. To the astonishment of those sitting nearby, Mr. A, who was next to him, helped Mr. S back up, only to find his face turning bright red and covered in blotches.

Everyone was shocked, and we suggested stopping lunch. However, Mr. S insisted, saying, “I’m fine,” and proceeded to have only soup and coffee.

While enjoying our French cuisine lunch, we discussed Mr. S’s miraculous experiences and my spiritual experiences, which created an atmosphere of excitement.

As time passed, Mr. S gradually recovered. Upon Mr. A’s request to demonstrate the “spiritual petrification phenomenon” here, Mr. S concentrated his consciousness in the private room of the restaurant.

However, contrary to expectations, the stone that should have appeared immediately did not show up. We waited in anticipation, and after a considerable amount of time had passed, the cloth in the center of the table finally lifted itself.

We cleared the dishes and small items from the table and lifted the cloth, revealing a single reddish-black stone, about 3 cm in size. This was no trick, so we were truly astonished.

We promised to meet again and parted ways with Mr. S.

Two months later, T-san called me. She informed me that after our lunch in Kobe, Mr. S had become completely unable to produce the stone, and he had been missing. She mentioned that Mr. A was currently trying to locate him.

Upon conducting a spiritual vision, I found that the large reddish-black lizard-like spirit that I had seen behind Mr. S before meeting him had disappeared.

Thank you for keeping me alive.

Keep Away from Spiritual Impurities – July 15, 2007


I have had spiritual cleansing performed by a psychic who claims to have a deity attached to him several times. He is very trustworthy, and I’ve relied on his help in various ways.

However, after reading today’s article, I became a bit worried. I’m concerned that in exchange for his help, something might be taken from me by the lower-level spirits behind this psychic.

Many people, including myself, have made wishes and offerings at various shrines and temples.

Can we eliminate this debt by performing ancestor veneration with gratitude?


All humans have an inner god (a divine fragment), which allows them to be born into this world.

In this physical realm, humans are “sacred pillars” walking while hosting a living god.

Though animals also have divinity within them, upright-walking humans have a special role as a “pillar of heaven and earth,” bridging the gap between heaven and earth.

・Heaven = Amaterasu Omikami (warm and bright nature)

・Earth = Kuni-tokotachi-no-Kami (stern and strict nature)

It’s the mingling of these two contrasting natures that keeps the universe in motion.

In the context of the yin-yang represented by the taijitu, humans reside at the intersection of yin and yang. Humans play the significant role of connecting these two gods.

However, there are forces in the spiritual realm that try to separate humans from their inner god (a deity’s fragment), keeping them away from divinity, and instead, they want to be worshipped as gods and gain energy from humans.

They create “gods” external to humans, undermine their self-confidence, and nurture dependence.

Spiritual entities in the spiritual realm have created religions that entangle and bind people with various rules.

However, it was the primordial god (root god) that created the spiritual realm as well. It was constructed to create internal conflicts and stimulate growth in the souls of humans.

For thousands of years, the spiritual realm has been functioning as intended. But, the time has come to bring an end to it, marking the conclusion of prolonged human soul growth.

The energy body responsible for the dissolution of the spiritual realm is Kuni-tokotachi-no-Kami.

In the latter half of the Showa era, the energy of Kuni-tokotachi-no-Kami was unleashed upon the spiritual realm like a mighty sword.

As a result, the chains binding people through religion were severed, and humans will gradually awaken from their stupor, like waking from anesthesia.

All religions will eventually disappear.

Even if you have undergone so-called spiritual cleansings, you haven’t changed at your core, which may have led to a dependency, as you mentioned.

This can be seen as a “shift in value.” In essence, by gaining a sense of security through these rituals, you have attracted the “impurities” of the spiritual realm.

To rid yourself of these impurities, it is necessary to express gratitude and perform ancestor veneration towards your ancestors, as well as remind yourself of your gratitude to the gods. Whether you decide to enshrine a household altar or not, recalling gratitude towards the gods is essential.

In any case, it is crucial to distance yourself from spiritual impurities, especially from now on.

There are still many people who use spiritual practices for commercial purposes. Kuni-tokotachi-no-Kami is particularly strict with such individuals, as they are seen as obstructing human evolution.

Thank you for keeping me alive.

A Mysterious Person in the Showa Era PART2 – July 16, 2007

In the Showa era, there were many people who, with the help of the spiritual world, could cause mysterious phenomena.

Today, I’m going to talk about one such person.

I still have a strong impression of this individual.

Back then, on holidays, I used to receive various consultations, and there was a lady who came to consult with me.

She was a friend of my mother, Mrs. T.

After a long time, Mrs. T came for consultation again.

According to Mrs. T, she had been invited by an acquaintance to an interesting gathering. It turned out to be a consultation session conducted by a psychic, who rented a room in a regular residence.

The psychic, born in Kyushu, claimed to have gained superhuman abilities as a result of 30 years of training in spiritual mountains nationwide. His address was not fixed, and he seemed to travel around the country by car. He was always in a three-piece suit, a gentle-faced man, referred to as Mr. S.

As Mrs. T observed the gathering, Mr. S, in front of many people, listened to each person’s consultation, told them the cause of their troubles was due to spirits, and as he held his hand in a certain direction, asked the consultees to look inside their bags.

When the consultees put their hands inside their bags, they pulled out a reddish-black stone. According to Mr. S, he had turned the evil spirit into a stone. Seeing this, everyone in the room was astonished.

Another woman took out a stone from her bra, and another person took out a stone from the tip of their sock. The reddish-black stone that was taken out disappeared from Mr.S’s palm as he gripped it tightly in front of everyone.

At the end of the meeting, Mr.S looked at the garden from the room and said, “I have gathered the evil spirits of the house into one stone in the garden.” The homeowner broke a garden stone about 30 cm in front of everyone, and a reddish-black stone about the size of an egg came out from the center.

Mrs. T, having witnessed these events, was surprised and participated in meetings held in different houses two more times. The participation fee was 30,000 yen per person.

Now, the reason why Mrs. T came to consult with me this time was that, during the third participation, Mr.S expressed an interest in meeting me after she talked about me while everyone was chatting on the way back, and she was asked to arrange a meeting with me.

According to those who have been participating in the meetings since the old days, they were surprised because Mr. S had no interest in engaging with other psychics.

Mrs. T, who was devoted to Mr.S at that time, came to ask me to meet with Mr.S.

…To be continued.

Thank you for keeping me alive.